ben/zōn’ ə/tāt

Brand Names: Tessalon®

  • Generic Available

Common Dosage Forms:

  • Capsules (Perles): 100 mg and 200 mg

FDA Indications/Dosages:

  • For the symptomatic relief of cough: 100 mg three times a day as needed. A maximum of 600 mg per day may be given. Do not exceed prescribed dosage. It is extremely important to swallow capsules whole–do not chew or dissolve in mouth. Contact a physician immediately if you have difficulty breathing or swallowing shortly after a dose.
  • Not indicated for children under the age of 10 years.


Benzonatate acts peripherally by anesthetizing the stretch receptors located in the respiratory passages, lungs, and pleura by dampening their activity and thereby reducing the cough reflex at its source. Onset of action occurs within 15-20 minutes and lasts for 3-8 hours.

Drug Interactions:

No known clinically significant drug interactions exist.


Use with caution in patients allergic to anesthetic agents of the para-aminobenzoic acid class (procaine, tetracaine). Severe life-threatening reactions, including cardiovascular collapse and bronchospasm, have occurred from chewing or sucking the capsules. Overdosage may result in death. Pregnancy Category C.

Adverse Effects:

Drowsiness, headache, constipation, nausea, pruritus, nasal congestion, and a sensation of burning in the eyes.

Patient Consultation:

  • It is extremely important to swallow capsules whole–do not chew or dissolve in mouth.
  • Do not exceed prescribed dosage.
  • Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and children.
  • Contact a physician if the above side effects are severe or persistent.
  • Contact a physician immediately if you have difficulty breathing or swallowing shortly after a dose.
  • If a dose is missed, skip it and return to normal dosing schedule.